1. This series will document the alley between my apartment building. The photos will be shot during the evening when the sun is setting. The photos will be bright and lively, subverting the typical feel of an alleyway. The photos will include everything in the alley, like dumpsters and cars, but also potentially people that hang out there and the view it has of the street.
2. One day when riding my scooter (yes, childish, I know) back to my apartment, while passing the alleyway between my apartment, a car suddenly drove out, bumping me a bit, but ultimately not harming me. The lady who came out of the car was nice and apologetic, and everything was well, but I can’t help but have that moment engraved in my memory due to the shock I experienced. I grew up a goody-two-shoes. When I moved into my apartment, I was suddenly exposed to everything I avoided in adolescence: loud parties, smoking, and alcohol. I ignored how the elevator smelled faintly of recreational drugs and ignored the low-thumping music in the apartment beside me. I’ve never dared look too close in the alley between my apartment, simply because I was scared to know what I’d see. The alley behind my apartment reminds me of all the things about the place I want to forget and ignore. After I got hit, I began to look at the alley more on my way back at first for my safety, but now realized how much of a deal I was making out of nothing. I could even say it was beautiful in the evenings. The lively colors and choice of sunset are done to create a feeling of serenity that contrasts with the nature of an alleyway.