I wanted to capture the U of A campus and what it means to be a student. I have almost completed a biology major, along with my art major just starting. So I have some extensive knowledge and time put into this campus. It is pretty big but I think the best part is the verticality of everything. Being able to go into some big buildings with 7 stories and looking down on people is really interesting. So I want to capture the feeling that this campus can give off. Nighttime and daytime are important as well, as the give of different feelings. I would want to use a 16mm lens to capture as much information as possible, with varying heights levels. Building and people are the most important thing I want to capture.
I have been attending u of a since 2019! And I have had so much time to try and explore all the buildings to find cool places to study. This campus can give off sos many different feelings, from comfort to anxiety, its never stale. Early mornings make you feel productive, middle days on campus make you want to take a nap, and nighttime on campus makes you wonder how you have gotten here. You feel like maybe you should reflect on why you are actually here and what you are going to do for the rest of your life. I want to capture these feelings in my photos of the u of a campus.