As a University of Arizona student, you can download Adobe Creative Cloud at no cost, while you remain a student. It works on both Macintosh and PC computers. The entire range of Adobe Creative Cloud applications are available to you, but for this class you won’t need anything but Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Bridge. Be aware that many of these programs take a significant amount of space.
Download it
Needed for first week
Digital camera (at least 8MP and capable of RAW image capture, not your cell phone)
You can check out cameras from the photo cage
DSLR cameras may also be available from UA Main Library:
32 GB or larger SD card
200 GB or larger USB drive to transport and backup digital files
Digital Print Lab Expenses
Plan on accommodating for the expense of printing your images.
The current rate for an 8 x 10 inch print with matte or satin finish is $3.50 each.
For each project you will print a portfolio of between 4 and 5 images, which will run you from $14 to $17.50.
Four projects x about $17.50 = $70.
Miscellaneous Materials
Due to the open-ended nature of what you might photograph, the projects you undertake may require found or purchased objects—specific to your direction. Ultimately, you will determine what the budget is here. Do plan on allotting funds to see your vision through.
Additional materials may be required later, per project.