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About madpro-musicrecs's Madpro's music recs.

This is a page of celebration of music, but also protest.

During my college nights, I got hooked on listening to songs from indepedent artists on YouTube. That made me realize that the MySpace-era of just posting covers to the internet never really died out, it's only been quashed. And as I have stuck around listening to the same artists over and over again I now care about these people and their stories almost as much as the stories in the songs they play.

There is much stigma out there against people who spend time on the FAANG social medias for being "duplicit", "ignorant" or "naive". And yet, some people keep on singing their song. I believe oldweb won't grow up until we understand that.

You can also find my main homepage at: https://madpro.neocities.org/
Account created 2023-09-22 15:46:49
10 entries, 21 tags

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