Title of Event:Hank Willis Thomas’ Loverules
Time of Event:_Jan 18-Jun 21_
Location of Event: University of Arizona Art Museum
1. Provide a brief detail-oriented technical description or summary of the event
you attended. This section should remain journalistic and should not be
reflective of your opinion.
The exhibition, LOVERULES, is a collection of works by the artist Hank Willis
Thomas. It included themes such as commodity, identity, media, and pop
culture, but highlights Thomas’ ability to connect historical moments of
resistance to lives today. Core invitations of his works include critical awareness,
civic engagement, inclusive collaboration, and empathy.
2. Use the section below to write a well-structured paragraph focusing on your
personal critical insight / response to the event. How did you interpret or react
to what was presented to you?
There are still many problems today with equality between women and men,
races, sexuality, etc. These were things that people have been fighting about for
a very long time. Using all the archives Thomas had and connecting them to real
time events just helps make the realization that we are in a constant cycle of
3. Focus on a singular work from the lecture or exhibition that most impressed
you (or in the absence of such a work, focus on the work that was least
impressive). Write critically about why this work affected you so.
I was impressed by the work “20,923”, a lost polyester fabric flag with 20,923
individually embroidered stars. Each star represents a victim lost to gun violence
from the year 2018 to 2021, a homage to his own experience with gun violence
and general trauma experienced by those who lost someone. The message he
wanted to tell was that the flag that may instill pride, also represents a country
with policies and grim failures that are equally critical considerations. It is a great
piece to include in this particular exhibit, because gun violence is still a large
topic of debate. The indecision has put so many lives at stake, so this work is
promoting civic engagement, empathy, and critical awareness. I was so
impressed by this because of the time he dedicated to each victim in his own
way. Personally, I find it super important to remember those who’ve passed in
special ways. Life is only lived once, when you are gone, you’re gone for good.
But keeping a memory alive is the greatest respect for a person to me.
4. Overall, how would you rate this event (from one to five, five being the best)?
I would give it 5 stars.
5. Justify your rating above:
Though the art wasn’t in my particular tastes, it was still successful in sending
the message of the exhibit. It’s important to view work’s outside of your range of
preference, it helps to expand your mind and view from a different perspective,
which is important to the themes of this exhibit.