pangram is a sentence that uses all the letters in the alphabet of a given language. The most famous one in English is, of course,
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
perfect pangram is a pangram that uses every letter exactly once. In some languages with different writing systems, some very cool perfect pangrams are possible. I'm fond of the Japanese
Iroha and the Javanese
Hanacaraka sequence, which are both not only perfect pangrams but also poems.
Unfortunately, most perfect pangrams in English kind of suck because of the paucity of vowel letters. They're all nonsense like
Crwth vox zaps qi gym fjeld bunk and the like. If you permit abbreviations, you get the more sensible
Mr. Jock, TV quiz PhD, bags few lynx, which is fairly well known. But this blog post manages to construct an English perfect pangram (with abbreviations) which is not only vaguely sensible, but actually describes a real-life event! Truly, a towering achievement.