Drag RAW image to Photoshop, or right click and select “Open With” from the sub-menu—then select “Photoshop.”
Adjust RAW image. Non-destructive file, original RAW file will never be altered.
Although Adobe or Photoshop Camera Raw does not have any Undo and Redo commands in menu this doesn’t mean you can not use them. Undo, Redo, Step Backward and Step Forward commands are available in Camera Raw through exact same shortcuts as in Photoshop: Ctrl + Z for Undo, Redo is second Ctrl + Z, Step Backward Alt + Ctrl + Z and Step Forward Shift + Ctrl + Z. You can use multiple undos and redos for any action performed inside Camera Raw.
Then Click “Open Image”
File Save As “TIFF”
Resize image
Adjustment Layers, Color Correction in Photoshop.