This series would be centered around photographing my shoes above grates and other deep industrial pits like manhole covers. It would either be taken from up close or from more distant - I’m still undecided. The shoes would be in the center of the image, although slightly unevenly, framed more as if theres an invisible figure standing there rather than a perfectly placed pair of shoes.
I want to use the photos of my shoes to explore themes of uneasiness in our modern industrial society. When I was younger, I was always deeply afraid of walking over grated pits; I would think of the worst possibilities - dropping valuable things in, or the grates collapsing and falling in myself. Though the shoes in the images will stand casually, with no real possibility of actually falling in, I hope to still imbue each picture with a sense of foreboding about their precarious position. A pair of shoes left behind, too, is often an omen of death or suicide, which is something I could further explore.