This project is meant to symbolize the death of my childhood and the replacement of childhood relics and hobbies with things considered more “mature.” I decided to represent this by taking photos of my childhood stuffed animals going through a mock judicial system. In the first photo, there is a stuffed animal playing the defendant in a court case where everybody else—the jury, judge, prosecutors, reporters, etcetera—are makeup tubes or tools. The next photo shows the stuffed animal being photographed for a mugshot, dressed in a little orange trashbag jumpsuit and wearing a sticker on its head that determines its retail value. Other stuffed animals wait in line for the same treatment, chained together by a necklace, while nail polish tubes play the role of guards. The final photo shows the stuffed animals, covered in makeup, being hung while an image of a red lip eats the center one. The irony within the photos is that by playing make-believe and destroying my immature objects with mature ones, I am actually being immature and childish the whole time. This is why I choose to imply my presence in the photos—for example, the image of me reflected in the mirror of the first photo, and the projection of my hand going to take the photo in the second.