In this three-part series, my aim was to explore the themes of chronic reliance on technology and the internet. By enveloping much of the frame in shadows, I created a striking contrast with the illuminated screens of phones, iPads, and televisions, ensuring they remain the focal point of most shots. One approach I employed was to convey a distortion of thought across each screen. For instance, two shots showcase vibrant, colorful displays that initially captivate the viewer's eye. However, as the focus sharpens, darker messages begin to emerge — such as the notion that a fulfilling life can only be found in virtual realms, or continous sensutalized images of violence or death across the globe that are readily assessible.
One image features the phrase "Not your portrait" prominently across the entire frame, serving as a warning about the parasocial relationships or prejudice inepretations of strangers fostered online. It reminds viewers that despite feeling deeply familiar or emotional with an online figure, they hold no significance in your life, nor you in theirs. Essentially, you do not exist in their portrayal or “portrait”, and neither should they for you.