The title of this typology series is “Introspection.” It highlights the many sides of a college student and what their day-to-day life might look like. It is named this because each photo is intended to have a personal tone that the viewer could relate to and force them to reflect on their own daily lives and how it compares. Each image has a visual dark cast that I wanted to use to emphasize the consistent person photographed in each image and the sensation of mystery. This lighting paired with the closeness of the shots are intended to evoke a personal and intimate feeling in relation to the model. The photos are intended to be viewed in a horizontal row, first being the image with the model holding the mug and his guitar. This image was meant to invoke a warm, comfortable feeling. The mug in this image could have anything in it, maybe a warm coffee or hot cocoa to sip on on a warm night, giving the viewer room to storybuild. The second image depicts a Coors Banquet can in focus beside a phone playing a U of A basketball game. The foreground, a hand raising a chicken tender upwards next to a to-go box of fries, is out of focus. This meal, typically viewed as classic comfort food, being eaten haphazardly in front of several screens with a beer is a typical college dinner for many. Image 3 is starkly different from the rest of the images due to its bright blue glow. A Celsius energy drink can be seen held in one hand, while the other studiously jots down notes from the face of the computer. The energy from this picture is meant to evoke the feeling of late-night studying. The rest of the room and the city are dark and quiet, yet things must still be completed before the last hours of the day. I intentionally placed this image between two that also had bits of blue in the composition in order to tie them together. The last two images exhibit first, the model preparing to light a cigarette from his mouth with one hand and a bottle of Heineken beer in the other. The other image closes in on a second person using a pot to cook on the stove while the subject model wraps his arms around from behind and a wine glass can be seen in hand. The cigarette was, in reality, a rolled up Chipotle napkin to convey the desired aesthetic. The Heineken bottle is the point of interest, yet the viewer's eyes are also drawn to the glow of the lighter, creating an experience in which the image can be appreciated both in entirety and in its details. The final image was not as well-lit as it could have been, but the framing of the image was successful. The wine glass is intended to be the point of interest, placed in a cross-section of the “rule of thirds” ideology. This image introduces another figure to the scene and, thus, the importance of the interaction to the subject. The wine glass invokes more romantic emotions and matches the scene displayed. Overall, this series followed beverages that correspond to seemingly insignificant events in a college student’s life that, together, create both a culture and habitual cycle.