a. The photographs in this series will include children’s books propped up to look like a tent and a small paper diorama of the characters or scenes that are included in the book. The shots will be close-ups in black and white shot at the same location. A portion of the book’s cover will be shown in order to make the book identifiable.
b. As I’ve grown up, I realize how much less I’ve read for leisure in comparison to when I was a child. Moreover, I’ve met many people who only read out of obligation, but light up when talking about the books they read as a child. In this series I wanted to evoke the nostalgia of reading books as a kid and the beginnings of an appreciation for stories that was perhaps lost as some people grew up. The photo is shot close-up to make the photo feel more personal. I decided on black and white to convey the feeling of losing something and in order to refer to the past.