1. This series of photographs show me in various large milestones in life, projected with scenes to look like I’m in that memory. Props like cake and flowers are projected, but don’t actually exist in reality. I pose like a photo my parents would take of me if they had done so. In each photo I look apathetic, and a bit sad despite the celebrations taking place.
2. I noticed in larger moments and milestones in life where I feel like I should be prouder of myself, I’ve lost that specialness I’m supposed to feel. On TV it feels like I should have a grand graduation filled with flowers and yelling and celebrating, but in reality I receive quiet praise from my parents and no flowers. I’ll look to my right and see other people experiencing that, but I look back to my parents and I lose that feeling of accomplishment. This is the same with birthdays where I’ve always had quiet birthdays with large dinners, where those dinners never felt any different than a normal dinner. I didn’t have a big sweet 16 or a grand congratulation because my parents aren’t the praising / celebrating type. It’s almost as if none of it really happened. I don’t feel my birthday passed, I don’t feel I graduated. I wouldn’t say I mind, but somewhere in my soul I long for acknowledgement. The projections address the feeling of fake accomplishment and memory.