Whenever the subject comes up, someone is sure to bring up all the words in -ough, or George Bernard Shaw's ghoti-- a word which illustrates only Shaw's wiseacre ignorance. English spelling may be a nightmare, but it does have rules, and by those rules, ghoti can only be pronounced like goatee.
The purpose of this page is to describe those rules-- to explain the system behind English spelling, the rules that tell you how to pronounce a written word correctly over 85% of the time.
But what I really like about Song 2 and Bittersweet Symphony is that the irony is genuinely funny. That's something I think a lot of people miss about irony, and it's part of why I'm getting more and more weary of people tossing the term Hipster around like it's some sort of critical argument in and of itself. I mean, I like the video for Smells Like Teen Spirit, but that thing is just begging to be lampooned, and Blur manages to pull it off simply through the ironic juxtaposition of Nirvana-like overblown, set-wrecking nihilism sung by guys that look kinda like the people I play Magic: The Gathering with.
It’s a bit strange, almost nobody seems to be doing this. Looking through a sample of personal websites, very few of them has links to other personal websites. A hyperlink isn’t a marriage proposal. It is enough to find some redeeming quality in a website to link to it. It costs nothing, and helps bring traffic to pages that you yourself think deserve it.
If we actually want these small websites to flourish as a healthy community, we need to promote each other much more than we do. It is advertisement, yes, but in earnest. I like it when other people link to my stuff. What sort of hypocrite would I then be if I only ever linked to my own websites?
The end.