Discovered this site after someone appears to have found my personal site using it. It seems to be a search engine that focuses on "
#small-web" type websites rather than returning the same SEO-optimized copy-paste sites that major search engines do these days. In the upcoming AI-spam-apocalypse, services like this may prove useful... The "random" button is kind of fun, like Stumbleupon for weird nerds' personal websites. (I say, lovingly, as a weird nerd with a
personal website) Though obviously the internet fringes have some strange content as well...
Also there seems to me to be an issue in that a lot of these sites are just operated by web developer people writing about how to make websites. Guys, what if you tried making a website that people would actually want to visit because it has interesting things to see on it...? Then maybe the audience for independent sites would expand beyond people who feel really strongly about the need for independent sites ;)