In 1991, Jaleco of America released an NES game called Totally Rad. It was a fairly decent late-generation platformer, but it was perhaps most memorable for its oddly relentless '80s-surfer-dude dialogue, which even at the time had started to sound dated. I played it at least once around the time of its release, but I had mostly forgotten about it until one day I happened upon a Japanese game from 1990 called Magic John.
It was Totally Rad. And yet it was not.
It turns out the iconic surfer-dude lingo of this game was a complete invention of the American translators. They also redrew a bunch of the graphics to be more Radical™. This series of pages goes through all the game text and compares the original Japanese text/graphics to the English 'tude-ified version. It's amazing. Honestly, in the end, it seems like the '80s version ended up being a lot more memorable than the original.
This is actually a link to a mirrored/rehosted version of the original page, which seems to be sadly defunct. Be sure to check the hidden hover-text on the images! See also:
Kid Radd